Primary Method
Turn your device off.
Remove SIM card and MMC card (actually, you do not need to remove these, but after format remember to format memory card and reboot phone).
Press and hold 3 keys; Green dial key, * Star key, no. 3 key on keypad Together.
Turn your device on while you are pressing the three buttons.
You should now see "Formatting .." on the Screen! Leave the buttons now.
Alternate Method
You can remove the mmc but keep the sim card and restart your phone.
Then press the keys *#7370#.
The phone would ask a confirmation.
Select yes.
Then it will ask for a code.
The code is 12345 (the default).
There you are! your phone will restart with all the phone memory formatted.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Formatting your Nokia
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Boats damaged in Birzebbuga
The Greek tanker Angel Gabriel lost power off Marsascala on September 23, 1969 and was grounded on a reef, where it broke its back. The crew made it to shore with difficulty except one, who jumped from the ship in a panic and died.
Today's wind whipped up rough seas in Birzebbuga and, to a lesser extent, Marsaxlokk. Two cabin cruisers broke their moorings in Birzebbuga. One ended up on the rocks and the other on the sandy beach. A smaller boat was smashed by the waves and quite a number of boats were quickly hauled ashore by their owners.
Attivitajiet ta' Heritage Malta
Attivita F' Hal Tarxien
L-attività ser tinvolvi żjarat fit-tempji neolitiċi, armar minn għaqdiet tal-festi madwar Malta armati fi triq waħda, diversi wirjiet f’kappelli kif ukoll wirjiet oħrajn ta’ pitturi u fotografija, wirja ta’ pjanti u wirjiet ta’ fejn kienu jinżammu l-annimali taħt id-djar. L-avveniment jinkludi wkoll wirja spettakolari ta’ ganutell u ta’ Semana Santa Espana. Wieħed jista’ jesperjenza wkoll il-ħajja tar-raħħala ta’ Ħal Tarxien, bl-għana tradizzjonali Malti u teatrin fit-triq. Ser ikun hemm ukoll ikla ravjulata kull nofs siegħa. Ser jiġu armati żewġ palkijiet prinċipali fi Triq Santa Marija u Triq il-Kbira bi spettaklu kbir ta’ kantanti stabbiliti u skejjel taż-żfin b’serata ta’ dawl u mużika li ser tgħin biex il-pubbliku preżenti jqatta’ dan il-lejl fil-qalba tar-raħal antik u pittoresk ta’ Ħal Tarxien. Avveniment ieħor li jifforma parti minn din l-attivita’ ser ikun dawra bil-gwida madwar il-parti l-antika ta’ Ħal Tarxien akkumpanjati minn grupp folklor lebsin ilbies tradizzjonali Malti.
Is-Segretarju Parlamentari għall-Konsultazzjoni Pubblika u Informazzjoni, l-Onor Chris Said faħħar din l-inizjattiva kulturali tal-Kunsill Lokali bil-għan li tipprovdi lir-residenti tal-lokalità iktar attivitajiet ta’ interess kif ukoll li tressaq fi ħdanha nies minn barra l-lokalità.
Library Joke
"Nine A.M." came the reply. "And what's the idea of calling me at home in the middle of the night to ask a question like that?"
"Not until nine A.M.?" the man asked in a disappointed voice.
"No, not till nine A.M.!" the librarian said. "Why do you want to get in before nine A.M.?"
"Who said I wanted to get in?" the man sighed sadly. "I want to get out."
Monday, September 14, 2009
Laughter, The Best Medicine
Doctor: Have you taken my advice and slept with the window open?
Patient: Yes, Of course!
Doctor: So has your asthma disappeared?
Patient: No, but my watch, Ipod , TV and Blackberry have!!
The 9 Commandments of Reading
2. Read two books on the same subject, one solid and one for pleasure.
3. Don't read a book for the sake of saying you have read it.
4. Review what you have read.
5. Read with pencil in hand.
6. Use your blank book.
7. Condense what you copy.
8. Read less and try to remember more.
9. Read regularly.
-Dr. Edward Everett Hale (1822-1909)-
Source: Readers Digest September 2009
On Servants
Source: Reader's Digest September 2009
Math Central
I found a website called Math Central. It is used to explain maths to students. It is really simple to use. I recommend it to teenagers who are doing math exams!!
Hope you find it interesting!!
Youtube Downloads
I have just discovered a new software which makes it easy for youtubers to download the vids. The Program is Real Player SP. In the end of this post you can find a link for it. This program allows you to download and play the youtube vids. At the same time it will be working as a media player too. Another feature is that it has a converter. This is used if you have downloaded a music video and you want to save it as MP3. I found it really useful because I watch vids of millions of remixes and I used to wish I could put them on my Ipod and now I can !! Hope you find the program useful !!
Enjoy !!!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
1st Day in a gym
Hope your ok !! Iam really tired because I have just finished a 2hr session at the gym. I attended the Challenger Gym in Cottonera Sports Complex. For today I used the treadmill, bike and cross trainer!! It was awesome. I recommend it to everybody because you go out feeling better than you entered the Complex and because you will be keeping your body fit !!!
10x for reading,
Monday, September 7, 2009
The boy in striped pyjamas book review
Bruno is a nine-year-old boy growing up in Berlin during World War II. He lives in a five-storey house with servants, his mother and father and 12-year-old sister, Gretel. His father wears a fancy uniform and they have just been visited by a very important personage called the Fury, a pun which adult readers should have no trouble deciphering. As a consequence of this visit, Bruno's father gets a new uniform, his title changes to Commandment and, to Bruno's chagrin, they find themselves moving to a new home at a place called Out-With.
When Bruno gets there he is immediately homesick. He has left his school, his three best friends, his house, his grandparents and the bustling street life of urban Berlin with its cafes, fruit and veg stalls, and Saturday jostle. His new home is smaller, full of soldiers and there is no one to play with. From his bedroom window, however, he notices a town of people dressed in striped pyjamas separated from him by a wire fence. When he asks his father who those people are, he responds that they aren't really people.
Bruno is forbidden to explore but boredom, isolation and sheer curiosity become too much for him. One day, he follows the wire fence cordoning off the area where these people live from his house. He spots a dot in the distance on the other side of the fence and as he gets closer, he sees it's a boy. Excited by the prospect of a friend, Bruno introduces himself. The Jewish boy's name is Shmuel. Almost every day, they meet at the same spot and talk. Eventually, for a variety of reasons, Bruno decides to climb under the fence and explore Shmuel's world.
After some initial tonal clunkiness where you can almost detect the author thinking "how do I write a child", the story is an effortless read that puts you directly into Bruno's worldview. It is elegant story-telling with emotional impact and an ending that in true fairytale style is grotesquely clever.
Bruno's friendship with Shmuel is rendered with neat awareness of the paradoxes between children's naive egocentricity, their innate concept of fairness, familial loyalty and obliviousness to the social conventions of discrimination. The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas is subtitled A Fable and, as in other modern fables such as Antoine de St Exupery's The Little Prince, Boyne uses Bruno to reveal the flaws in an adult world.
Regatta Races
As I said, I will be promoting activities in Malta. Tomorrow there will be the regatta race. The Regatta is a typical Maltese Sport because in this event held in September to commemorate the Great Siege Victory of 1565 and it is held on the 31 st March - Freedom Day. Typical Maltese boats like frejgatini, kajjikki and dghajjes take part. The Regatta is the main event for the traditional Maltese boat ( id-dghajsa ). These colourful boat races are popular with the Maltese, especially in the Three Cities of Cottonera, Marsa,Kalkara and Marsamxett, the districts which compete in this Regatta.
Hope that you will attend and have fun !
Welcome Note
Welcome to this blog.The maker of this blog is Daniel Schembri from Malta. In this blog i will be sharing personal and local activities, gaming tips, movie reviews and trailers and book reviews too!!
I hope that you will find my blog interesting !!